Thursday, October 28, 2010

Thesis Statements

Identify the weak thesis statement

1.  A)  I’m going to write about Darwin’s concerns with evolution in The Origin of the Species.
     B)  Darwin’s concern with survival of the fittest in The Origin of the Species leads him to neglect a potentially conflicting aspect of his theory of evolution-survival as a matter of interdependence.
A) is a weaker thesis statement because it just tells what the essay will be about.  There is no argument.

2.  A)  An important part of one’s college education is learning to better understand others’ points of view.
     B)  Although an important part of one’s college education is learning to better understand others’ points of view a persistent danger is that the students will simply be required to substitute the teacher’s answers for the ones they grew up uncritically believing.
A) is a weaker thesis statement because its just a fact.  There is nothing to argue, no questions can really be drawn from this statement.

3.  A)  By inventing terms, such as “loose fit” and “relaxed fit”, the jean industry has attempted to normalize, even glorify, its product for an older and fatter generation.
     B)  The jeans industry targets its advertisements to appeal to young adults.
B) is the weaker statement because it is boring in comparison to A).  A) has much more of an argumentative aspect to it.

4.  A)  Othello is a play about love and jealousy.
     B)  Although Othello appears to attack jealousy, it also supports the skepticism of the jealous characters over the naïvete of the lovers.
A) is weaker because its common knowledge. 

5.  A)  The songs of the punk rock group Minor Threat relate to the Feelings of individuals who dare to be different. Their songs are just composed of pure emotion. Pure emotion is very important in music, because it serves as a vehicle to convey the important message of individuality. Minor Threat’s songs are meaningful to me because I can identify with them.
     B)  The punk rock group Minor Threat uses emotional lyrics to appeal to their target audience, which considers itself individualistic and therefore the lyrics must convey a message of individuality.
A) is the weaker of the two statements because it is merely how the writer feels about the band.  There would be no way of proving or disproving someone’s “feeling” about an issue.

The thesis statement for my essay on the biography of Tim O’Brien will be the following:
What would he have become if he had not gone back home?  The answer to that is, he would still be a writer.  A writer of different things, but a writer still.  His novels would be about the trials and tribulations he would have gone through if he had decided not to go back home and enlist as he was order to do.  He may not have become a famous writer and have books that are frequented in classrooms, such as The Things They Carried, but he would still have become a writer.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Tom O'Brien Article Summary

Works Cited
Frost, Adam.  "O'Brien, Tim, 1946-"   Literary Online Biography. Copyright 1996-2010 ProQuest
     LLC.  Web. 20 Oct. 10.   trailId=12B3F6EFB7A&activeMultiResults=authors

Tim O’Brien 1946-

    Tim O’Brien was born on October 1, 1946 in Minnesota.  His father was a insurance salesman and his mother was a teacher.  In 1968 he graduated from Macalester College with a BA in political science.  Shortly after he graduated college he was drafted to fight in the Vietnam War.  O’Brien was against war.  In The Things They Carried, there in a short story about the internal conflict he went through when he was drafted, he didn’t want to go to war.  In the end though, he did.  He served in Vietnam from 1969 through 1970.  After returning from Vietnam, he went to Harvard to work on a graduate course specializing on government and politics.
This article discusses the literary writings done by Tim O’Brien.  According to the article, all but one of O’Brien’s novels were about the Vietnam war.  The one exception was a novel titled Tomcat in Love.  This was a book about a man who was obsessed with blondes and sex.  It was the only novel written by O’Brien that was considered a “flop”.  O’Brien wrote many novels, The Things They Carried, If I Die In A Combat Zone, Going After Cacciato, and In the Lake of the Woods, are the works discussed in this article.  All four of these were acclaimed as outstanding by numerous respected critics such as The New York Times.
    I will use this article to help write a biography of  my own about the life and work of Tim O’Brien.  It will be useful to me because I have to have three sources and his gives me one of them.  It is also useful because prior to reading it, I didn’t know of any other books written by Tim O’Brien.  Knowing this information will give me a place to begin my research on his work.
    The source I used to write this summary is a credible one because I found it in the Yavapai College school library database and the college only uses credible sources.  There is some information in the article that talks about stories from one of the books O’Brien wrote that I am familiar with and the information was accurate, as are the quotes the author used in the article.  O’Brien’s date of birth, colleges he attended, and his draft into the Vietnam War are all easily accessible over the internet.  

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Dear Laura

Dear Laura,
    So far I have enjoyed this course, far more than previous English classes.  I think this is because there seems to be more freedom in the writing process, which I did  not expect.  In the beginning of the semester, I was worried I wouldn’t do well at all because I tend to have a hard time writing about things unless I am very familiar with or have personal views on the subject, such as a personal essay.  At the beginning of the semester when I saw we had to set up a blog, I wasn’t looking forward to it at all.  I had never set up a blog of any kind and as it turns out, the blogs are one of the things I like best about the class.   
    When I bought the books for this class and saw they were about war, I was dreading it.  I’ve never been much of a history buff so you can understand where I was a bit concerned.  However, much to my surprise, I enjoyed the stories I read very much.  They were far easier to read than I thought they would be.  The fact that they touched something in me made it much easier for me to write about them.
    I’d have to say my biggest challenge to this point was the analysis.  I’ve never been very good at analyzing text, so this was good practice for me.  Analyzing a text is so different from other types of writing because you have to pick something out of the story to analyze.  That was quite difficult for me, which also surprised me.  I think it was because I agreed with so much of the text, plus how do you argue with what a person feels?  Once I started looking for a way to analyze why something happened or was done instead of looking for a way to contradict it, it became a bit easier to write the analysis.  It still would have been a nicer experience if I could have just analyzed Cinderella.  Okay, you’re right, this isn’t fourth grade.  All well, what are you gonna do?

    In this last half of the semester, I hope to improve my grade and my use of MLA format, or citation rather.  I still have to go back and check continuously to make sure I have cited things correctly, in the right order and so forth.  Repetition is the only way to make it stick, and if it still doesn’t, well there’s always my Little Brown.  Hopefully I won’t need it for citation after this semester.


Sunday, October 3, 2010

Summary vs. Analysis

    In Tim O’Brien’s story “On the Rainy River”, he tells of how he reacted to being drafted into the Vietnam War.  It was in June of 1968, he’d just graduated from Macalester College at the age of 21 only to find a letter drafting him off to war.  This was a war he did not believe in and did not want to fight.  While working in an Armour meatpacking plant during the summer of 68’, he gave much thought to the draft letter he‘d received.  One day while working, the fear overcame him and he fled towards Canada.  He had no plan other than not going off to war.  He ended up at the Tip Top Lodge, where he stayed for six days.
    During those six days, Tim thought of the many different outcomes he may face depending on his decision.  He was afraid to die for something he didn’t believe in, but he was also afraid to leave behind everything of the life he’d always known.  Elroy Berdahl was the owner of the lodge, but more than that he was a person who was there for Tim in this desperate time in his life.  Elroy passed no judgments, gave no opinions, and asked no questions, he was just there, making all of this reality for Tim.  At the end of six days Tim decided to go home and head off to war.  He stayed alive and came home to write this story of his days on the Rainy River at the Tip Top Lodge.

    The story, “On the Rainy River” is that of a man at a crossroad in his life.  Stay and fight or flee.  O’Brien felt himself better than the war, above it.  “I was too good for this war.  Too smart, too compassionate, too everything.  It couldn’t happen.  I was above it.” (pg 39).  O’Brien thought he was better than the war his country sent for him to fight in.  When he ran towards Canada he proved he was not above it, but below it.  He was no better than any war, simply a scared child, and children do not fight wars for America.  So you see, Tim O’Brien was not too good for this war, but too cowardly.  At least until he decided to come back and do what was right.

Works Cited:
O'Brien, Tim.  The Things They Carried. "On The Rainy River" pages 37-58.  Copyright 1990 by Tim O'Brien